Welcome back to Comic Book Crud you horror comic fiends and delinquents. I am that hoodlum that your parents warned you not to play with, Ryan B.
Today we will be continuing the theme of Halloween that we started last time with The October Game and will be enjoying all throughout the month of October.
You all remember what it was like to trick or treat, right? Many of you still may even be doing it to spite being in your late twenties. You go to a house, ring the bell, say "trick or treat" threateningly to whoever answers, have goodies dropped into your sack, then you say "thank you" and walk away so you can go get the eggs and toilet paper and repay the goon for giving you a box of dental floss.
Yes, it's one of the greatest joys of childhood, and the subject of tonight's story. It's a fantastic piece of midnight madness from Twisted Tales #1. Written by the master, Bruce Jones, and drawn by the talented Tim Conrad, this is a tale that could only happen on...